Gas cylinder 40 l. with a mixture of K-18 argon + carbon/k recertified


Gas mixture 80% argon + 20% carbon dioxide (Ar+CO2 20%) in 40l cylinders. (6.2m3)

Gas shielded welding is used today on virtually all metals, including carbon steel, aluminum, copper, stainless steel and titanium.

SKU: e4b7e5f75f96 Category: Tags: ,

Gas mixture 80% argon + 20% carbon dioxide (Ar+CO2 20%) in 40l cylinders. (6.2m3)

Gas shielded welding is used today on virtually all metals, including carbon steel, aluminum, copper, stainless steel and titanium.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 11 × 1 × 1 cm